Our Learning Environments

Our highly qualified educators have created an environment for our up most precious infants and babies to thrive through their development and achieve their very important milestones.
We believe that all children should feel a sense of belonging, feel safe and confident within our environment.
Our focus is to build and develop respectful relationships with children and their families which will enhance children’s inclusion, learning and wellbeing.
- Nuturing & Caring Environments
- Individual and Flexible Routines
- Qualified Long Term Educators
- Exploration
- Building Bonds with Children and Families
- Nutritional Age-Appropriate Meals
- Sensory Rich Environments
- Supervised sleeping area
- Indoor and Outdoor Program
- Continually providing opportunities for children to feel a sense of security and confidence.
- Incursions/Excursions (Including fortnightly music and movement classes & community walk pram strolls )

Our highly qualified educators have created an environment that supports in building trusting relationships which engage and support each child to feel secure, confident, and included. We encourage children to build friendships which will enhance social and emotional skills and are supported in regulating their own behaviour and emotions.
We are committed to provide a flexible indoor and outdoor program that consist of each child’s knowledge, strength, ideas and interest. All aspects of our program are organised that maximises opportunity for children’s learning, enabling them to make decisions that influence events and their world.

- Qualified Long Term Educators
- Indoor and Outdoor Program
- Continually providing opportunities for children to feel a sense of security and confidence.
- Incursions/Excursions (Including fortnightly music and movement classes & community walk pram strolls )
- Enhancing Vocabulary
- Flexible Routines
- Self-help skills
- Creating relationships and bonds with their peers
- Toilet training
- Guiding children to Self- regulate their emotions
- Promoting health and wellbeing throughout the program
In our recognised 3-year-old funded Kindergarten program, we offer an environment with university qualified teachers that will guide and support your child’s educational program.
Teachers will support your child to develop curiosity, concentration, resilience, and creativity through our indoor and outdoor program. Through play your child will learn language skills, basic maths concepts, and how to regulate their behaviour and create friendships. Our three-year-old kindergarten groups will work side by side with our 4-year-old kindergarten group to prepare your child’s transition into their preschool year.
Children will be involved in our centres calendar of events which will include celebrating and learning about – Multiculturalism, health & wellbeing, sustainability much more.
- Indoor and Outdoor Program
- Intentional Teaching
- Literacy and Numeracy
- University Qualified Teachers
- Inclusive
- One ended resource
- Sustainable Environments and Hands on Learning
- Pre Field School Officer Support and Visits
- “STEM Base Learning – Science Technology Engineering Mathematics”
- Celebration of cultures
- Funded Kindergarten Program
- Incursions
- Parent Teacher Interviews and Parent Teacher Information Nights
- Cooking Classes with onsite Cook
- Play Based Learning

In our recognised funded Kindergarten program, we offer an environment with university qualified teachers that will guide your child’s learning and development the year before school.
Our program delivers a combination of intentional teaching and highly focuses on play-based learning. Children’s learning and curiosity will be encouraged through a variety of experiences such as exploring the natural world, being exposed to different ideas and problem solving.
In our kindergarten program we thrive in educating and supporting children to become independent, confident learners, which will allow them to have a positive transition to school.

- Intentional Teaching
- Literacy and Numeracy
- University Qualified Teachers
- Sustainable Environments and Hands on Learning
- Pre Field School Officer Support and Visits
- “STEM Base Learning Science Technology Engineering Mathematics”
- Funded Kindergarten Program
- Incursions
- Parent Teacher Interviews and Parent Teacher Information Nights
- Cooking Classes with onsite Cook
- Play Based Learning
- School readiness
- Graduation celebration and ceremony
- Risk takers